This website is maintained by a group of individuals in the United States, none of whom are associated with Carla Poggioli. Our goal is to expose her disgusting behaviour and prevent others from having similar encounters. All images are used under Fair Use and protected by the First Amendment. We link to numerous external resources, including social media profiles controlled directly by Carla Poggioli. By doing so, we do not imply any endorsement by us to the linked site or by the linked site to us.Your use of this site confirms your agreement to our Disclaimer and Terms of Use.
You may find that you are required to initiate litigation against Carla Poggioli. We’ve obtained the following contact information to make your life easier. Please only use this information for lawful purposes, such as the service of legal process.
Legal Name: Carla Louise Poggioli
Primary Address: U 9/2 Denison St., Manly, NSW 2095 Australia
Secondary Address: U 3/35 Byron St., Coogee, NSW 2034 Australia
Owns Property: U 3/17 Ramsdale St., Scarborough, WA 6019 Australia
Email: [email protected]
Mobile Telephone/WhatsApp: +61 447 307 922