Carla & John Holland are at it again! When they aren’t killing people, they’re inducing or contributing to a dog’s death!

Carla celebrating with friends. Image Credit:
A Sydney resident reached out to us, letting us know their dog had passed away due to compassionate euthanasia. The resident claims the stress associated with the noise and vibration induced or was at least contributory to premature death and that the persistent noise had a casual effect as his downturn started and amplified as the noise from the project increased, and underlying conditions were exacerbated by these environmental factors especially given dogs strong senses. Logically this makes sense as dogs are much more susceptible especially to sound and smell.
I reached out to the resident, who claimed that the Community & Stakeholder Engagement Team at Sydney Metro Eastern Tunnelling Package (ETP), for which Carla Poggioli serves as director, had been aware that the dog resided at their property which is directly next to the construction site yet did nothing. The residents have repeatedly asked John Holland and Carla to take action to mitigate the noise from their construction site, apply further soundproofing to their residence, or relocate them. Carla responded by accusing one in the couple of hacking into their partner’s email, forging complaints, and eventually calling the police on the couple. Absolutely disgusting behaviour.
Given these accusations, John Holland seems more concerned with Corporate greed than doing the right thing for citizens, their families, and pets. How much would it cost to have relocated these residents who are obviously adversely affected by Carla and John Holland’s project?
The resident told us their partner sent an email to Carla’s team saying the dog was very anxious and upset as a result of the noise. We’re awaiting this email and will upload a copy once provided. If Carla & John Holland were aware of the presence of the dog in this property and their impact on it yet did nothing, that is gross negligence. Carla and John Holland have a duty of care to citizens around their project and they breached that duty of care. Their breach was willful, reckless, or at least careless and the dog’s death seemingly consequential to their acts or omissions.
Update 23 November 2023 @ 01h32 New York Time: It’s worse than we expected. Not only did the residents advise them of their dogs health issues but also impacts associated with the elderly father of one of the residents. The resident wrote:
I am a part-time carer for my elderly father who now has to be placed into temporary respite care instead of coming home with us as the noise would be too stressful for him as he is recovering from an illness.
Our dog is also highly stressed by the noise and has developed behavioural issues as a result of the chronic noise and likely stress related illnesses.
Email Sent From Dog’s Owner to Carla & John Holland then Forwarded to Us
Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 3:32 PM (Sydney Time) Subject: John Holland’s Noise Killed Our Dog - Re: NCAT 2023/00418363-001 - <REDACTED> v Sydney Metro trading as Sydney Metro - Application Notice To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, ETP Community <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, SydneyMetroWest <[email protected]> As a result of John Hollands unbearable noise, our dog had to be put down today. The stress associated with the noise and vibration induced or was at least contributory premature death. We are still sourcing expert reports as to the exact impact the noise has but to me fact John holland was advised to this risk yet did nothing to mitigate it is troubling. The vet indicated it’s highly likely the persistent noise had a casual effect as his downturn started and amplified as the noise from the project increased and underlying conditions are exacerbated by these environmental factors especially given dogs strong senses. We will provide medical reports in due course. I’m sure this makes many at John Holland happy as it seems the company is more concerned with Corporate greed than doing the right thing for citizens, their families, and pets. One less impacted party for you to worry about now. More to come but thought you should know. Here’s a photo of his last moments before being euthanised today at approximately 3pm. <PHOTO REMOVED>
Email sent from Residents to Advise Carla and John Holland of Impact of the Noise on Their Dog and Elderly Parent
Subject: Unbearable noise in <REDACTED> To: <> Date: Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 9:25 AM (Sydney Time) To whom it may concern My partner and I live and work at <REDACTED> The noise from the Pyrmont West Metro site is intolerable and I am unable to work at all from home. Long term noise causes significant psychological and physical impacts, and I am currently being investigated for the impact this noise is having on my health. I am unable to concentrate and do my work at home. I am a part-time carer for my elderly father who now has to be placed into temporary respite care instead of coming home with us as the noise would be too stressful for him as he is recovering from an illness. Our dog is also highly stressed by the noise and has developed behavioural issues as a result of the chronic noise and likely stress related illnesses. There was jackhammering that started at around 10:00pm last night and noise continued well into the early hours of the morning when I fell asleep at around 1am. Not only do your work people make noise with their tools, they also yell and shout to each other constantly instead of using a normal tone of voice. After being kept up all night, I was woken up at 8am by jackhammering. I'm not clear how you expect residents to live and work when they are being sleep deprived and you do give us adequate breaks for the noise. Your staff provided noise cancelling headphones as a solution which is a joke. Am I supposed to sleep with them on? You need to take immediate action. I have several detailed videos of the level of noise that is occurring with all the windows shut. You need to make immediate relocation arrangements for us or we will be taking further urgent action.